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Category Archives: Did Cameron keep any NHS pledges?

Further NHS cuts planned in England

Plans are being drawn up that could see cuts to NHS services across England.


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Tories going back on their promises?

Did Cameron keep any NHS pledges?

Before the 2010 general election Cameron said “We are the party of the NHS. We back it. We’re going to expand it. We’ve ringfenced it and said it’ll get more money under a Conservative government and it’s our number one mission to improve it. If you remember a few conference speeches ago I said you can sum up our priorities in three letters NHS.”

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Fast forward to present day and we cannot see truth in any sentence.

We are the party of the NHS” is meaningless drivel

We back it” ambiguous (perhaps he’s confusing it with a horse in the races)

We’re going to expand it” ambiguous (if he means stretch it to breaking point then maybe this one is true)

It’ll get more money under a Conservative governmentturned out to be a lie

It’s our number one mission to improve itNumber one mission? Houston we have a problem!

in tatters