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Pensioner found dead in home after waiting four hours for ambulance

Paramedics were “devastated” to find a pensioner dead in her home almost four hours after she called an ambulance. The NHS is now in such a state that the Ambulance Service has to use taxis to take people to hospital.

Meanwhile Jeremy Hunt has apologised for the state of the NHS then gone on to say things are now much better than they were.  Theresa May has also apologised but denied there is a problem.

It seems the public will have to discover the truth for themselves because no Government Minister wants to admit the NHS is in a state of emergency.

A former Tory Health Secretary Stephen Dorrell has admitted there is a problem saying “British public services need major rethink and focus on spending”.  (Article   Backup)

Another former Tory Health Minister Dan Poulter apparently has his priorities elsewhere after being accused of putting ‘hand up skirts’.   Could the Tories be any worse?   (Article   Backup)

Main story in full  Backup

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Hunt in row with Professor over NHS insurance

Jeremy Hunt is having a row with Professor Stephen Hawking over NHS insurance. He claims one of the most intelligent people on the planet is wrong that the Tories seemed to be steering the UK towards a US-style health insurance system.

This is the same Jeremy Hunt who co-authored a book (read here) calling for the NHS to be replaced with private insurance!

This is the same Jeremy Hunt who accepted a payment of £32,920 from hedge fund baron Andrew Law, a major investor in private healthcare firms.  Law has also donated £2,034,785.34 to the Tories going under various names. Backup to article here which exposes Hunt and other MPs.

This is the same Jeremy Hunt with links to US healthcare system Kaiser Permanente pictured below with them.


Here are other things Jeremy Hunt has done to aid a private NHS.

Click to find out if your MP has links to private healthcare

Tory attitude to NHS:

tory attitude to nhs

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As a Doctor, I’ve experienced the mayhem Theresa May has caused in our NHS

A year ago, Theresa May’s government took control of our NHS. Figures released by NHS England today show the literal mayhem that has engulfed our health service under May’s premiership, and the harm this is causing patients. As a junior doctor, I experience it every day.

In the first hospital I worked in, I thought the lack of resources, understaffing, and inability to meet patient demand was particular to that hospital trust. But as I moved from one hospital to another, I realised it has become endemic. Overflowing A&E departments, routine cancellation of operations, ambulance delays, and permanent bed shortages are the new norm in Tory Britain.

Today’s figures evidence how much the situation has deteriorated in the last year. Over four million people are currently waiting for surgery, the highest number in a decade and, in the last year, 2.5 million people waited more than four hours for emergency and urgent treatment.

The Conservatives’ lethal cuts to funding, combined with the selling off services for private profit and a social care crisis caused in Downing Street, has pushed our NHS to breaking point. This has drastically reduced the quality of patient care, and shut many out from treatment altogether, often with fatal consequences. It’s clear that cutting services to the bone has become more than just a metaphor.

Patients have also been impacted by the government’s mistreatment of NHS staff. This was the year I and other junior doctors were forced to take the unprecedented step of striking in opposition to an unsafe contract. Jeremy Hunt imposed the contracts anyway, ignoring our warnings about threats to patient care.

And despite widespread pressure to end the public sector pay cap, our wages continue to fall in real-terms. This has hit the lowest paid staff the hardest, with some of my colleagues forced to rely on foodbanks as a result. Low pay, combined with the removal of the nurses’ bursary and rising fees for medical students, has caused a recruitment crisis and severe staffing shortages.

An overstretched and underpaid workforce, without access to sufficient resources and facilities, cannot provide patients with the care they need. Our inability to provide this care causes us severe stress, strain and sleep deprivation, which has driven many of my colleagues from the profession.

Today’s figures should be a wake-up call for us to fight for universal healthcare, properly funded and publicly-owned, with safe staffing levels and fair pay. Not only are NHS services and staff being pushed to breaking point – now patients are too. If we don’t act now, the consequences will be fatal.

Tory attitude to NHS:

tory attitude to nhs

Source   Backup

Tories plan to cut a further £22 BILLION from our NHS

Since our NHS went into a state of Humanitarian Crisis it was forced to call in charity Red Cross.  The Tories deny there is a crisis and they won’t tell you their plan to cut a further £22 BILLION from the NHS.

We have a so-called health secretary who gladly offers his thanks to NHS staff but offers no real solution to the NHS Humanitarian Crisis as people die on hospital trolleys waiting to be seen by staff.

If you need more convincing that the Tories are the wrong people to govern our NHS have a look at how bad the situation is in your area with the NHS tracker.

For the first time you can find out just how bad the NHS humanitarian crisis is in your area simply by providing your postcode.  You’ll be provided with waiting list numbers and financial data for your area.   Find out the truth here with the NHS crisis tracker.


NHS standing on burning platform, inspectors warn

The safety in 4 out of 5 NHS England hospitals is not good enough says leading inspector.

Source   Backup

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Tory NHS crisis tracker now online

It may be you know there’s a problem with the NHS.  Then again it may be for whatever reason you think there is absolutely no problem and the Tory Government is doing a superb job with the NHS.

Whatever your opinion is the figures do not lie – and now you can have those figures. For the first time you can find out just how bad the NHS crisis is in your area simply by providing your postcode.  You’ll be provided with waiting list numbers and financial data for your area.   Find out the truth here with the NHS crisis tracker.

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NHS crisis Tracker

Let’s look at Theresa May’s constituency of Maidenhead:

9% of patients in her area wait more than four hours to be seen in A&E. £236 million is the funding gap in her area. Backup

Now let’s look at some other random areas and see if a pattern emerges:

Greater Manchester – 15% of patients in your area wait more than four hours to be seen in A&E. £1.1 BILLION funding gap. Backup

West Yorkshire – 12% of patients in your area wait more than four hours to be seen in A&E. £1.1 BILLION funding gap.  Backup

North Central London – 11% of patients in your area wait more than four hours to be seen in A&E. £1.2 BILLION funding gap. Backup

North West London – 20% of patients in your area wait more than four hours to be seen in A&E.  £1.4 BILLION funding gap. Backup

North East London – 12% of patients in your area wait more than four hours to be seen in A&E.  £816 million funding gap. Backup

South East London – 18% of patients in your area wait more than four hours to be seen in A&E.  £934 million funding gap. Backup

Birmingham and Solihull – 13% of patients in your area wait more than four hours to be seen in A&E. £712 million funding gap. Backup

Cheshire and Merseyside – 17% of patients in your area wait more than four hours to be seen in A&E. £908 million funding gap. Backup

Lancashire and South Cumbria – 21% of patients in your area wait more than four hours to be seen in A&E. £572 million funding gap. Backup

Yes a pattern has emerged.  The figures are lower in Theresa May’s constituency – less people waiting and a lower funding gap than all other random areas we have published. Maidenhead has been a Tory-run council since 2007.  Could the Tory Government be giving areas with Tory-run councils more money than other areas?

Theresa May telling porkies over NHS funding admit Tory MPs

Theresa May’s claims that the government is putting £10bn extra into the NHS are untrue and the underfunding of the health service is so severe that it may soon trigger rationing of treatment and hospital unit closures, a group of influential MPs have warned Philip Hammond.

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Theresa May’s NHS porkies

Tory NHS Cuts: “First to be axed will be maternity wards and accident & emergency units”

A lack of NHS funding by the Tories will force maternity wards and accident & emergency units to close first according to NHS chief.  The Tories are simply not delivering what they promised in their party manifestos.  2010   2015

Source    Backup


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Hunt acted illegally over junior doctors, court hears

Health Minister Jeremy Hunt acted illegally and beyond his powers by deciding to impose a new contract on NHS junior doctors, the high court has been told in a legal challenge to the health secretary’s handling of the year-long dispute.

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Critical care units ‘too full and understaffed’

Hospital departments that treat the most seriously ill patients are too full and seriously understaffed, a Welsh Government report has said.

Critical care units have been over capacity at periods of high demand.

Hunt's privatisation plan

Many Tory MPs will profit personally from a private NHS