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Pensioner found dead in home after waiting four hours for ambulance

Paramedics were “devastated” to find a pensioner dead in her home almost four hours after she called an ambulance. The NHS is now in such a state that the Ambulance Service has to use taxis to take people to hospital.

Meanwhile Jeremy Hunt has apologised for the state of the NHS then gone on to say things are now much better than they were.  Theresa May has also apologised but denied there is a problem.

It seems the public will have to discover the truth for themselves because no Government Minister wants to admit the NHS is in a state of emergency.

A former Tory Health Secretary Stephen Dorrell has admitted there is a problem saying “British public services need major rethink and focus on spending”.  (Article   Backup)

Another former Tory Health Minister Dan Poulter apparently has his priorities elsewhere after being accused of putting ‘hand up skirts’.   Could the Tories be any worse?   (Article   Backup)

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