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Jeremy Hunt’s Delusional Claims: The Tories’ Catastrophic Record

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s complaints about the lack of appreciation for the Conservative Party’s record after 14 years in power are out of touch with the stark realities faced by many Britons. Despite his claims of a “superb record,” the evidence paints a different picture: families struggling to make ends meet, an NHS in crisis with record-high waiting lists, and a stagnant economy with 0% growth. Hunt’s attempt to blame external factors such as the global financial crisis, the pandemic, and the Ukraine war fails to acknowledge the Conservative government’s own mismanagement and policy failures. From the highest tax burden in 70 years to scandals like Partygate, the Tories’ tenure has been marred by chaos and inefficiency. Hunt’s frustration is misplaced; instead of expecting applause, he should address the genuine hardships and systemic issues that have deteriorated under his party’s governance. The British public’s perception of a country going “to hell in a handcart” is a direct consequence of Conservative policies and leadership failures over the past decade.

Here is the Tory record:

  1. Austerity Measures Introduced by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition, austerity involved significant cuts to public spending, leading to increased poverty, homelessness, and a rise in child poverty. These measures are linked to an estimated 335,000 excess deaths due to reduced access to healthcare and social services. πŸ“– The London Economic πŸ“– Morning Star
  2. Universal Credit Rolled out to replace multiple benefits, Universal Credit has caused financial hardship to vulnerable groups, with many claimants experiencing delays and reductions in their payments. πŸ“– Indy100
  3. NHS Funding Cuts The NHS faced severe budget constraints, leading to longer waiting times, staff shortages, and deteriorating services. By the end of the decade, waiting lists hit record highs. πŸ“– The London Economic
  4. Brexit The 2016 referendum and subsequent handling of Brexit have been major sources of economic and political instability, causing significant disruptions to trade, increased costs, and uncertainty for businesses and citizens. πŸ“– The Week πŸ“– Indy100
  5. Bedroom Tax Officially known as the Spare Room Subsidy, this policy reduced housing benefits for social tenants with spare bedrooms, disproportionately affecting low-income families and disabled individuals. πŸ“– The Week
  6. Privatisation of Public Services Key public services and assets, including the Royal Mail and parts of the NHS, were privatised. Critics argue this led to reduced service quality and higher costs for consumers. πŸ“– Economic Times
  7. Windrush Scandal The “hostile environment” immigration policy led to the wrongful detention, deportation, and denial of rights to many people of the Windrush generation, who were legally residing in the UK. πŸ“– Indy100
  8. Education Cuts Significant reductions in funding for schools resulted in larger class sizes, reduced resources, and lower pay for teachers. The introduction of more grammar schools also faced backlash for increasing educational inequality. πŸ“– Indy100
  9. Disability Benefit Cuts Changes to disability benefits, including reductions and stricter eligibility criteria, have led to deaths and caused significant financial and emotional distress among disabled individuals, with many facing increased poverty and hardship. πŸ“– Indy100
  10. Response to COVID-19 The government’s handling of the pandemic, particularly in the early stages, was criticised for being slow and ineffective, contributing to a high death toll and prolonged economic impact. πŸ“– The Week πŸ“– Indy100
  11. Public Spending Mismanagement Contrary to claims of being careful with public spending, the Tories have been accused of financial mismanagement, exacerbating the economic woes of the country. πŸ“– End Propaganda


Jeremy Hunt’s remarks highlight a disturbing detachment from reality. The Conservative Party’s record is not one of superb achievement but of widespread harm and mismanagement. The British public deserves leaders who acknowledge the challenges faced and work towards genuine improvements, not deluded narratives of non-existent successes.

1 Comment

  1. Elliehcim Demha says:

    absolute liars and corruption. He is making. Ig money as well renting his properties creaming off the public . What a sheful disgusting party and politicoan. He is ultimately a psychopath. He had blood on his hands. Amd where is he. Not to be seen hiding whilst the election is on

    what a shameful pathetic han being.


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