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Tories careful with public spending? Don’t make me laugh!

A mixture of greed and incompetence. Here are just some of the notable times when the Tories happily wasted your hard-earned money.

15/06/2013 £120Bn of your money down the drain EVERY year: The astonishing Whitehall waste that could send every British family on an annual luxury holiday

5/09/2013 Tory waste £34M so far on failed welfare reform according to Government’s own auditors

29/12/2013 Tories waste £17M of your money on jewellery, hotels and fancy dress costumes

23/08/2016 Tory DWP spent £92,249.86 taxpayers’ cash trying to stop public seeing slave labour firms

28/07/2016 £1.9M wasted on untaken flights

15/07/2017 Tory Kent County Councillors vote to give themselves a 15% pay rise

16/07/2017 David Cameron blew almost £9K taxpayers’ cash for a party

20/09/2017 Chris Grayling allows HS2 staff to waste £5M on train fares

6/01/2018 Over £12M wasted by DWP in 2017 advertising themselves

27/09/2018 Tories wasted £40K of your money fighting to prevent you knowing how rarely northern powerhouse minister visited north

23/09/2018 Universal Credit costs more to administer than the six benefits it replaced, says NAO

24/01/2019 Tories wasted over £117M in England on compensation for poor roads instead of fixing them

13/02/2019 Bungling Boris “can’t remember” why he wasted £43M taxpayers money on garden bridge despite zero construction

31/07/2019 £225,458 blown by Tories on ‘misleading’ adverts praising Universal Credit

14/01/2020 Bercow wasted £1K of your money on taxi fare and £12K on leaving parties

9/03/2020 Tory DWP loses more cases fighting disability discrimination than any other UK employer and they’ve still learned nothing

16/09/2020 £760K of your money wasted on Liz Truss vanity project

17/10/2020 Cabinet Office to waste £60K per year on photographer to make them look like they’re working in your best interest

17/12/2020 Waste, Negligence and Cronyism: Inside Britain’s Pandemic Spending under the Tories

4/03/2021 Patel bullying case dropped in exchange for £340K of your money

5/11/2021 Tories are needlessly costing you £1M PER DAY by improperly storing PPE in grotesque waste of public money

1/01/2022 Tories blow £14.7Bn on wastful projects and duff deals

7/01/2022 Dominic Raab’s department wasted ‘staggering’ £238M on array of botched projects last year

13/01/2022 Liz Truss ignored advice not to use a posh Mayfair club to wine and dine a US trade official with a £1,400 meal

1/02/2022 Tories write off £9 billion of your money in unusable PPE

28/02/2022 Greedy Tory Shapps wastes nearly £100K of your money on company to create viral videos of himself

10/07/2022 Over £800M wasted choosing single use PPE over greener alternative

29/09/2022 Tories try to defend spending £130K on legal advice for their illegal lockdown parties

9/10/2022 Tories spending taxpayers’ cash ‘with reckless abandon’ after £4.1Bn written off

3/11/2022 Tories waste money to fly Suella Braverman 19 miles to Manston asylum centre by Chinook helicopter via the coast ‘to see the boats’

5/11/2022 Tories set to spend another £35M of your money on lawyers to defend themselves in Covid inquiry

29/11/2022 Dominic Raab blew £23K taxpayers money on first class flight instead of flying business class for £2.4K

13/12/2022 Tory Cabinet Office decides to waste more taxpayers’ money on Boris Johnson’s partygate bills

13/12/2022 Evidence emerges that the Tories can’t even manage their personal finances let alone those of the country

15/12/2022 Liz Truss blew £370K of taxpayers money on G20 flight to Bali – then flew back to launch PM bid

We asked the Prime Minister’s Office to provide a copy of letters and memos sent out to government departments since 2020 instructing them to be careful about spending needless amounts of taxpayers money. After a load of faffing about they finally told us they didn’t do any of that. This demonstrates that the Tories do not care about such things.

9/01/2023 No money for nurses but Dominic Raab gets to blow £320k on advisers to help save his job

14/01/2023 Boris Johnson put £4,445 dinner on government credit card for you to pay

17/01/2023 Personalised lectern used by Liz Truss for 49 days cost you £4000

9/02/2023 Tory MP wants to be paid more money and given a medal when stepping down

12/02/2023 Tory ministers accused of charging their ‘luxury lifestyle’ to taxpayers

13/02/2023 Tory Treasury blew £3000 of your money on arty photos

13/02/2023 Tory Foreign Office splashed £500,000 on lavish rugs and wallpapers in just 12 months

13/02/2023 Labour condemns Tory abuse of taxpayers’ money as GPC files released

16/02/2023 We ask DWP for a copy of the document(s) and underpinning law concerning the Secretary of State’s ‘duty’ to protect public funds

08/07/2023 Cabinet Office tried to conceal that Johnson spent £800K of your money on a Union Jack painting

10/09/2023 Tories Accused of Losing Billions in Taxpayers’ Money to Fraud and Corruption

23/09/2023 Tory Oliver Dowden takes near-empty RAF plane to New York to discuss climate change

12/12/2023 Rishi Sunak wasted £192,739 of your money in trying to block the Covid Inquiry obtaining information from government

28/04/2024 David Cameron wastes £42 million of your money for ‘jaunt’ around Asia

The public will still be paying for all their financial blunders long after they have been voted out.

In the news

Scandalous spending tracker

British Gas customer, 82, forced to raid his funeral funds after Tories allow company to make obscene profit

Jeremy Hunt planning to tell GPs not to sign people off sick for long Why? See above

Inflation-busting pay rises for public sector workers ‘unaffordable’, says Tory minister Why? See above

Hypocrite George Eustice says we need wage restraint two months after he and other MPs accepted another payrise

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  1. […] Tories careful with public spending? Don’t make me laugh! […]


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