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Petition for Independent Inquiry into DWP deaths

As we all know numerous people have become terminal victims of the DWP.  Sometimes it is down to Tory policy and others it’s sheer incompetence of DWP staff.

Now a petition has been launched calling for an Independent Inquiry into DWP deaths, and we urge you to sign it.  This won’t bring the victims back but it may help stop further preventable deaths.

The DWP continued with its regime even when coroners came out stating they were responsible for the deaths of their clients.

In one example, the DWP were simply ordered to apologise for a death they caused and ‘compensate’ the grieving family with £10,000.  The DWP complied but used taxpayers’ money instead of fining those whose actions led to the death.  Indeed no action was taken against individuals.

Signing this petition will hopefully pave the way to justice.

Independent Inquiry into DWP deaths.png

The DWP quality assure their own work

Shocking truth: No external company quality assures DWP’s work


  1. Reblogged this on 61chrissterry and commented:
    I have great pleasure in signing this petition and then sharing it.

    Perhaps you can reciproicate with the peition shown below

    Petition link

    Please see more information below

    You may be aware that there is a crisis within Social Care, an even greater crisis than that within health. This is because a crisis in Social Care will have a great impact on health making the health crisis even greater.

    Please could you consider supporting the Petition – Pay all employed carers the Living Wage; Petition link

    I am involved in a Petition project based on the Care Workers within the Care Industry.

    This industry is in crisis, as is the Health Service, but within Social Care this crisis is even greater. This in turn will create even more pressure on all aspects of the Health Service. Therefore, action is needed to minimise the Social Care crisis and pay paid carers a reasonable wage is one of these actions, so with this in mind there is now a petition.

    Please, therefore, could you support the Petition – Pay all employed carers the Living Wage Flash, (Families Lobbying & Advising Sheffield), a group of family carers of relatives with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism in Sheffield are concerned at the state of Social Care, not only in Sheffield, but throughout the UK.

    We all know that there is a major crisis in Social Care not just in Sheffield, but all over the UK. This is in a large part due to the lack of persons willing to come into the Care Industry, of which the low pay is a prime factor.

    Parliament are aware and have formed a Cross Party Committee to look at funding, recruitment and pay for Care Workers in the Care Industry.

    The Government currently have a recruitment campaign for the Care Industry ‘Every Day is Different’ .

    However, there is no mention of pay.

    Please therefore, could you consider the following #pay #employed #wage#funding #government#serviceproviders #living

    Could you look at promoting the Petition – ‘Pay all employed carers the Living Wage, created by FLASh (Families Lobbying & Advising Sheffield).

    Petition link

    Please sign this Petition, however, until you then click the signature verification link in the resulting email your signature will not be valid and will therefore not count re supporting the Petition cause.

    More information!Aq2MsYduiazglWxA60JAY_2cpvN8

    We need this Tory Government to end Austerity Cuts to Local Authorities and then increase the Grants to these Authorities so they can fund Care Service Providers to be able to pay their care workers at least the Living Wage.

    Please also see the HFT report ‘Sector Pulse Check’,!Aq2MsYduiazglXuM7Duz6HOYXvsv

    If the Petition attains 10,000 signatures, the Government will respond and if 100,000 signatures, it will be considered for debate in Parliament.

    Please support and share with your work colleagues, family & friends, Social Media, MP and Local Councillors.

    For any further information Chris can be contacted on

    Thank of you

    Chris Sterry
    Vice-chair of FLASh


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